There are four playable races in the Empire; Humans, Half-Elves, Taurine (Minotaurs), and the Snakes (Raptors). Each has their own unique strengths and weaknesses to bring to the player. The rest of the fantasy races commonly found in the game are gone, either fled over the great ocean to the Mystic Isles, or simply faded from knowledge and are no longer seen.
Human |
Val | Stat | Cost |
10 | STR | 0 |
10 | DEX | 0 |
10 | CON | 0 |
10 | INT | 0 |
10 | EGO | 0 |
10 | PRE | 0 |
3 | OCV | 0 |
3 | DCV | 0 |
3 | OMCV | 0 |
3 | DMCV | 0 |
2 | SPD | 0 |
2 | PD | 0 |
2 | ED | 0 |
4 | REC | 0 |
20 | END | 0 |
10 | BODY | 0 |
20 | STUN | 0 |
Cost | Skill/Talent/Power |
0 | Subtotal |
Cost | Complications |
0 | Subtotal |
Humans are the standard by which all other races are judged, and are currently the most numerous of the races. Only the Serpent Men come close in numbers. They have no special benefits, but have no disadvantages, either.
Taurine |
Val | Stat | Cost |
15 | STR | 5 |
8 | DEX | -2 |
13 | CON | 3 |
8 | INT | -2 |
12 | EGO | 2 |
12 | PRE | 2 |
3 | OCV | 0 |
3 | DCV | 0 |
4 | OMCV | 2 |
4 | DMCV | 2 |
2 | SPD | 0 |
3 | PD | 1 |
3 | ED | 1 |
6 | REC | 2 |
26 | END | 1 |
12 | BODY | 2 |
27 | STUN | 14 |
Cost | Skill/Talent/Power |
2 | +2 Enhanced Smell |
-4 | -4m Running |
-2 | Subtotal |
Cost | Complications |
15 | Distictive Feature (Taurem) - Not Concealable (15), Always Noticed and Causes Prejudice (5), Not Among the Taurine (-5) |
10 | Distictive Feature (Outcast) - Concealable (10), Always Noticed and Causes Prejudice (5), Only Among the Taurine (-5) |
25 | Subtotal |
A Tauren is a big bi-pedal humanoid standing a head taller than the average human. The males sport bull heads, the females, cow heads. They are covered head to toe in a short, nappy fur (in brown, black, white, or some mixture of the three) which is often dyed in patterns sacred to their clan.
The Tauren are by nature social, nomadic, herding people, but only among there own clan. They are easy to insult and abide by a strict code of honor. Because of this clannish nature, the only Tauren found outside the clan are outcasts and always male. The mark of an outcast is the cutting the horns and capping them with brass. Females are never found outside the clan, outcasts are killed outright.
Half Elf |
Val | Stat | Cost |
9 | STR | -1 |
12 | DEX | 4 |
10 | CON | 0 |
11 | INT | 1 |
11 | EGO | 1 |
9 | PRE | -1 |
4 | OCV | 3 |
4 | DCV | 3 |
3 | OMCV | 2 |
3 | DMCV | 2 |
2 | SPD | 0 |
2 | PD | 0 |
2 | ED | 0 |
4 | REC | 0 |
18 | END | 0 |
10 | BODY | 0 |
20 | STUN | 0 |
Cost | Skill/Talent/Power |
2 | +1 Enhanced Sight |
2 | Subtotal |
Cost | Complications |
15 | Distictive Feature (Half Elf) - Concealable (10), Always Noticed and Causes Prejudice (5) |
15 | Subtotal |
Half Elves are the result of inter-marriage between Humans and Elves. Since the Elves have left and magic begun to fade, the Half Elves are slowly fading out as well. If Half Elves marry, only 3 of four children are born Half Elven, the remaining child is human. If a Half Elf marries a Human, only one of every two is born Half Elven.
Never a very common race to begin with, they were never popular with either race. Most Half Elves living in cities are forced to reside in ghettos set aside for them. This, along with their affinity with nature, leads most to live in villages and towns around the country side where they have a chance to get by on who they are, instead of their label.
Raptor (Snake Man) |
Val | Stat | Cost |
8 | STR | -2 |
12 | DEX | 4 |
8 | CON | -2 |
11 | INT | 1 |
11 | EGO | 1 |
12 | PRE | 2 |
4 | OCV | 3 |
4 | DCV | 3 |
4 | OMCV | 2 |
4 | DMCV | 2 |
3 | SPD | 0 |
2 | PD | 0 |
2 | ED | 0 |
4 | REC | 0 |
18 | END | 0 |
10 | BODY | 0 |
20 | STUN | 0 |
Cost | Skill/Talent/Power |
5 | Infrared Perception |
5 | Subtotal |
Cost | Complications |
15 | Distictive Feature (Raptor) - Not Concealable (15), Always Noticed and Causes Prejudice (5), Not Among the Raptors (-5) |
15 | Subtotal |
A Raptor is a feathered dinosauroid that walks on two legs with a tail. With training, the tail can be used as a weapon in it's own right, but is not flexible enough to pick things up. The feathers around the head are longer than on the rest of the body and the raptors use them to indicate mood: Calm, all of the feathers are flat; Agitated, angry or other wise under the influence of strong emotion and the stand up in a fan six inches around the head. The feathers can be any number of bright colors and are slightly iridescent.
Any raptor found in the empire is either a spy, a diplomat, or an outcast unable to return home. Memories of the previous war leads many to hold them in contempt and take out their anger and fear out on them. The life of an outcast raptor in the empire is not a pleasant one.
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