Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Magic in the Empire and Beyond

Magic is waning in the world.  It is more difficult now to summon the energy and more difficult to control it.  To reflect this fact here are the HeroSystem rules covering magic:

  1. If you wish to create a character with the ability to use magic the character must purchase the following Variable Power Pool at creation.  It may be modified with experience, but may not be purchased with experience:
    • Magic Pool: Control Cost (Magic Only (-1/4), Spells each require a separate skill (-1)).
    • The skill for each spell is a 3/2 EGO Skill.  Strength of will is more important than general knowledge.
  2. Variable advantage/limitation is not allowed on any spell (since that would negate the separate skill requirement for spells).
Magical Items can be created at great cost to the mage.  The mage must pay for the item with character points and apply the Universal Focus limitation to it.  Now, anyone can take it away and use it.  And the points are gone until recovered by the character.  Note:  The magic item is purchased outside the VPP.


  1. I saw your win on gnomestew. Congratulations. I came up with a similar idea years ago where a steampunk continent was now able to bypass this great mystical barrier, and explore the other half of the world. What they found was a primal land (dinosaurs etc.)that appeared to be untouched by civilization. Too bad it was already inhabited by R.E. Howard's Serpent Men. Anyway, I thought you might be interested in trying the beta version of the game system I'm working on for your game. It's designed to let GMs and players create what he or she need without rules impeding one's imagination. What you envision controls the rules instead of the rules controlling your ideas. The character creation chapter and character sheets are on my website, and I can send you a mostly coherent cobbled mess of the core rules, if you'd like.
    the website is
    and my email is

  2. Thank you! I'd love to see what you've done. I might steal from it when I can. My players are versed in the Hero System and D&D, so I'm going to use the more versatile system of the two, but no system covers all of the bases, so I wanna steal liberally from all sources.

  3. Awesome. Just shoot me an email, and I'll send you what I have. I work 3rd shift, so there may be a little time lag, but you'll get it. And feel free to add me to Google+.
